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Aligning Text Box Word For Mac

  1. Format Text Box In Word
  2. Microsoft Word For Mac Free Download
  3. How To Add Text Box In Word
Active3 years, 6 months ago

Look at the following picture:

This is Word 2007. hello/world is a MathType formula; the second formula is an image.

Microsoft Word enables you to create a document -- complete with text, tables and images -- that shows off various aspects of your business, such as a new product or sales initiative. How to Format Text to Fit a Shape in Microsoft Word. Text-filled shapes act much like a text box in Word, allowing you to perform all of the basic formatting functions with the interior text, such as font and size changes, bolding and italicizing. To change the horizontal alignment of the text. The Microsoft Word settings align text vertically to the top of the document by default, but the settings can be changed to center the text vertically, align it to the bottom of. *Alternatively, after selecting the text you want to justify, you can right-click it (control-click on a Mac) and select Paragraph. In the Paragraph dialog box, select the Indents and Spacing tab and, from the Alignment drop-down list, select Justified. Open Microsoft Word. Double-click a Word document that you want to edit, or double-click the Word app icon and click Blank document to open a new document. On the Mac version of Microsoft Word, you may not need to click Blank document. Click Simple Text Box. It's at the top of the drop-down menu. If I open the Flash file on my Mac, the text is raised up several pixels and the height of the text box is actually 4 pixels less than on the PC. Even if I save the Mac Flash file and take it in to school, the instructor can't troubleshoot this, as it reverts back to the original PC layout for the text box. The text is probably centered vertically, but it incudes a paragraph spacing other than '0.' So, Word is viewing the extra line as additional text that needs to be included in the vertical centering.

I want the image to be treated exactly the same as the MathType formula, specifically the way it is aligned vertically on the same level as the text. How can I do that?

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6 Answers

According to this article on Vertical Alignment of an Inline Graphic:

The effect that Robert is noticing is the default behavior for inline graphics, although the cause he cites is backwards—it is actually the graphic that defaults to bottom alignment with the text, not the text with the graphic. So the solution involves adjusting the vertical positioning of the graphic.

Word treats inline graphics as a single character. You can change the vertical alignment of an inline graphic by treating it as you would any other single character whose vertical position you wanted to adjust. Follow these steps:

  1. Select the inline graphic by clicking on it once.
  2. Display the Font dialog box.
    • NOTE: Normally you can do this with Ctrl+D, but when an image is selected this will duplicate instead. You can open the dialog by expanding the font ribbon box.
  3. Go to the Advanced Tab.
  4. Using the Position drop-down list, choose Lowered.
  5. Enter a value in the By box, to the right of the Position control, that represents the number of points by which you want to lower the graphic.
  6. Click OK.

You may need to play with the value entered in the By box (step 5) to get just the look you want. The value you use will depend on the size of the graphic whose position you are adjusting and the characteristics of the font used in the paragraph.

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But if you put an image in the correct location, set it's Text Wrapping to Square, Tight or Through and make your way to the Picture Position settings, you can configure Vertical Alignment to be Centered relative to Line.

I think this is as close as you can hope to get for 'built in' features - this does, however, do some rather strange things to the layout if there are lines directly above or below - so test it does what you expect first.

Now at home, so here's the long Word 2007 version - with pictures!

As per munnaBhai's answer, you may wish to stick this in a template if you plan to use it a lot.


First, insert the image file in the location you wish to appear and then select it.

Next open the 'Advanced Layout' window:

Set the text wrapping to Tight, then switch to the picture position tab:

Make the image move with your text, vertically centred to the line and horizontally linked to the character before it.

Final result (this image isn't great quality, I've taken it from a screenshot from your question). It's not perfect, but it's as close as I think you can get with the built in Word functionality:

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Try changing Text alignment in Paragraph.

I have no idea why it is put under Asian Typography.


You should give a try for borderless table. Create table with 1 row and 2 columns, remove borders, then align table cells to the center vertically.

You may remove any cell spacings if needed. Type MathType formula in first cell, then type this is how I want to be in second cell.

It should work with other objects like images.


The easiest thing you can do is select the picture then choose Text Wrapping and change it to In Front of Text, then simply drag the image a tiny bit down.

Aligning Text Box Word For MacWilliam HilsumWilliam Hilsum

Format Text Box In Word

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Microsoft Word For Mac Free Download

I dont think there is way for your problem in Word 2007. Besides what Wil said above - to do manually; you can create a templet with that particular formating for images, but then it will be applied to all images in that document.

May be use some other text editors, say TeX, LyX (LaTex type doc editor)

How To Add Text Box In Word


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